TRust2 is an open project to develop formally Verified toolchain for the Rust language using theorem provers such as Isabelle/HOL and Coq. The toolchain will include formal languages, program verifier, static analyzer, verified compilers, and code generator for Rust.
A complete formal semantics of eBPF instruction set architecture for Solana, by Shenghao Yuan, Zhuoruo Zhang, Jiayi Lu, David Sanan, Rui Chang, Yongwang Zhao. OOPSLA25, Singapore, to appear.
Formalizing x86-64 ISA in Isabelle/HOL: A Binary Semantics for eBPF JIT Correctness, by Jiayi Lu, Shenghao Yuan, David Sanan, Yongwang Zhao. 10th Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications (SETTA 2024), Hong Kong, China, November 26–28, 2024, pp. 197-216.
面向Rust语言的形式化验证方法研究综述, 张卓若,常瑞,杨申毅,陈芳. 软件学报,2025,36(8):0.
Current Members (Alphabetical)
Rui Chang, Jian Cheng, Jun Liu, Jiayi Lu, Di Luo, David Sanan, Shenyi Yang, Zhibin Yang, Shenghao Yuan, Qiyuan Xu, Zhuoruo Zhang, Yongwang Zhao
Source Code
- Phi-System: an experimental certified programming language and also a generic verification platform.
- CertSBF: A complete formal semantics of eBPF instruction set architecture for Solana.
- Solana-x64-Semantics: Formalizing x64 binary semantics in Isabelle/HOL.